Our philosophy

Building on more than 30 years of experience in the field of vibration measurement technology, Peter Bay founded Bay SensorTec GmbH in 2016.

At Bay SensorTec, we leverage the full range of technical capabilities to keep pace with tomorrow’s market trends. In doing so, we always rely on intelligent product technologies in order to further expand our customers’ competitive advantage.

, says the founder and Managing Director Peter Bay.

Thanks to numerous industrial application projects, he has been able to accumulate  extensive industry knowledge in the sensor market over the years. His expertise in acceleration and pressure sensors with a focus on the automotive industry has made him an undisputed expert in his field.

Today, Bay SensorTec serves numerous industries, from railway to agricultural technology through to marine applications. It always strives to combine innovation and solution competence with the highest level of quality.

As one of the three manufacturers of automotive crash sensors, we have quickly developed into one of the most trustworthy partners for sensor solutions, 100% MADE IN GERMANY.

We place a high value on long-term cooperation and act as a reliable partner at eye level – because we regard our customer relationships as a valuable asset.

That’s why we are continuously developing our product solutions to meet the increasing demand for quality sensors. Our world-class team of experts incorporates customer suggestions and feedback to ensure that our sensor solutions support them in every way.

We work proactively by thinking one step ahead and developing new solutions together with our customers. If you are looking for a partner who can not only carry out an idea, but also support you with creative thinking, you have come to the right place.

You can depend on over 30 years of industry knowledge.

Sensoren Hersteller aus Bayern

Unseren hochwertigen Sensoren eilt ihr Ruf für Top-Qualität aus deutscher Herstellung und höchste Präzision in unterschiedlichen Industrie- und Entwicklungsbereichen voraus.
Bay SensorTec hat sich auf die Entwicklung und Herstellung hochwertiger Beschleunigungssensoren, Drehratensensoren und Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) spezialisiert.

Über 30 Jahre Beratungskompetenz

Mit mehr als 30 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich der Schwingungsmesstechnik, gründete Peter Bay 2016 die Bay SensorTec GmbH.
Sein Ziel war es, Kunden aus der Industrie bei der Entwicklung neuer Sensorlösungen und bei der Umsetzung kundenspezifischer Anforderungen bestmöglich zu beraten und zu unterstützen.

Persönlicher Kundenservice

Wir sind stets bestrebt, die richtige Lösung für die individuellen Anwendungen unserer Kunden in den Bereichen Sensorik, Messtechnik und Mikrosystemtechnik zu finden.
Bei uns sind Sie in guten Händen - profitieren Sie von den Vorteilen einer persönlichen Betreuung durch einen festen Ansprechpartner.